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Commercial Property Landscape Maintenance Trends for 2023


We are halfway through winter and while it might not be at the forefront of everyone’s mind, now is the time to start considering landscape design and landscape maintenance. This is especially true for property management teams and HOAs, as last year's landscape maintenance contracts are likely to end. Renewing a contract or establishing a new landscape maintenance service should be done at the start of the new year; failing to do so might limit options in choosing a reputable landscaping company that can bring good value and service. In addition, there is no better time than to review what changes would be beneficial to your landscape’s health, upkeep, and aesthetics. Let’s take a look at what Commercial property landscape maintenance companies are suggesting for property management in 2023.

Rewilding makes commercial property landscape maintenance more affordable

A growing trend for commercial properties and their upkeep is the installation of a local variety of wildflowers and plants. Also known as rewilding, landscape design build companies take commercial landscape areas that are overly expansive grass fields and replace portions of them with wildflowers and shrubs. The result is a more natural landscape that looks softer and more fitting of the area. An even better benefit of rewilding a commercial landscape area is the cost savings for commercial property landscape maintenance. By removing large sprawling portions of grass, commercial property managers can cut down on irrigation costs as well as overall lawn care costs. Rewilding areas of a landscape allows for less lawn mowing and a more diverse scenery for the area.

Drier Climate Trends Shift What Should be in commercial landscapes

Fortunately, Denver is no longer under drought conditions for the first time since August of 2021. But the drier climate and weather have affected commercial property managers and the way they go about maintaining their grounds. Instead of using more costly resources to combat the heat and climate for greener pastures, landscape design build companies offer ways to redesign property landscapes to either survive drier conditions or mitigate them. Vista Landscape Development has found that installing more drought-tolerant plants for commercial landscape properties made their appearance much more appealing than other competing properties. Installing these sturdy plants can help remove the focus of a browning landscape or even make a better aesthetic overall.

If certain plants that shrink away in the heat are still needed, installing efficient irrigation systems is key to keeping them healthy under intense conditions. Vista Landscape Development has had great success with commercial landscape properties installing drip irrigation systems. These irrigation systems are growing in popularity because they allow for both water rationing and more consistent watering throughout the season.

Commercial landscape maintenance is prettier with more flowers

There can be substantial savings for commercial properties by simply adding a little more color to their landscape but in a smart way. Even more, properties can look to plant seed beds instead of already grown flowers in their landscape. Already grown flowers or plants that are potted and then installed into landscapes cost additional money. Adding color with seeds can be a very economical way of adding long-flowering, colorful plants. The property also gets the benefit of seeing dynamic growth of its outside areas as the plants flourish throughout the season.

Make sure your landscape is healthy

One of the overlooked things a property manager can forget is to make sure their commercial landscape maintenance is taking care of the soil. Commercial property landscape maintenance should not just be lawn care through mowing and watering. A quality landscape company will take the time to examine the health of the landscape and prepare the right nutrients, fertilizers, and pesticides to ensure the landscape will flourish.

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